


◆ Display: High-resolution 19-inch color LCD display;
◆ Color quality: 24-Bit
◆ Emergency stops for security
◆ One key turn off
◆ Assist in detecting drug and explosive powder
◆Brightening/dimming: Increase/Decrease the brightness
of the image
◆Beam Direction: Upward;
◆ Tube Current: 0.6MA;
◆Anode voltage: 80KV;
◆ Sealed oil bath with forced air/100%;
◆ Detector: L-shaped Array

An x-ray baggage scanner is used to scan and inspect the contents of luggage, backpacks, and other bags for security purposes. It works by using x-ray technology to create an image of the items inside the bag, which can be examined by a security officer to identify any potential threats or prohibited items.

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